Visual Cultures, Regenerative Cultures, Social and Climate Justice, Mythologies, Creative Research Methods, Visual Storytelling, Sustainability and Creative Practices, Yoga, Airo Yoga, Mindfulness and Meditation.
...This is a constantly evolving section...
Art and Design
PhD in Visual Cultures. The University of the West of Scotland - School of Creative and Cultural Industries. 2012.
PgCert in Teaching and Learning HE (Creative Arts). Glasgow School of Art. 2015.
PgDip in Art Management Psychology. University of Rome “La Sapienza”. 2005.
MA in Art History and Theory.University of Rome “La Sapienza”. 2003.
Diploma in Feng Shui Interior Design. The New York University of Art+Design. 2015.
Yoga and Somatic Practice
200-hour Vinyasa and Hata yoga Teacher Training (RYS 200 Yoga Alliance). My Vinyasa Practice.
50-hour Airo yoga teacher training. Airo Yoga.
50-hour Yin yoga teacher training. Infinity Yoga.
50-hour Certificate in Embodied Social Justice. The Embody Lab.
Regenerative Cultures and Sustainability
PDC Permaculture Design. Applewood Permaculture Centre.
Certificate in Climate Change: Transforming your Organisation for Sustainability. The Open University.
Diploma in Design for Sustainability and Regeneration. Gaia Education.
Certificate in Humanitarian Design. Ecodemia.
Teaching and Research
2021-present: Design Lecturer. The Open University. Milton Keynes, UK.
2018-2021: Art & Design Lecturer. University of the Highlands and Islands, Inverness College, Scotland.
2011-2021: E-Learning Academic Developer, Lecturer and Module Leader for Critical and Cultural Studies. Interactive Design Institute (IDI) and Hertfordshire University, UK.
2012-2013: Associate Lecturer in Cultural Studies. School of Creative and Cultural Industries. The University of the West of Scotland, UK.
2010-2011: Visiting Lecturer in Fine Art. Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.
2008-2012: PhD Researcher. School of Creative and Cultural Industries. The University of the West of Scotland, UK.
2005-2008: Researcher. Ev-K2 Committee (Bergamo, Italy and Kathmandu, Nepal), the Italian National Council of Scientific Research (CNR) and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
2003-2005: Associate Researcher in Art History and Theory. The University of Rome “La Sapienza”, Rome, Italy.
Other Academic and Art Jobs
2021-present: External Adviser for Programme Approval. The University of East London. London, UK.
2012-2013: Academic module developer (Critical and Contextual Studies) for the e-learning BA Programme in Graphic and Media Design. Resource Development Centre (Coventry) – Anglia Ruskin University.
2015-present: Fellow, Higher Education Academy, UK.
Research and Scholarly Activity
2024 ‘STEAM Education Nepal’: Strengthening Young Nepali Girls Through Access to STEAM Educational Programmes. Funder: Open Societal Challenges.
2023 Learning to Listen to Local Epistemologies: Lessons from the First Fab Lab in Nepal. Funder: The Open University.
2022 Barriers and Enablers for Future Designers within the awarding gap at the intersection of Race and Deprived Areas. Funder: The Open University.
2022 FabLab Nepal: Challenges and Opportunities of the First Emergency-Driven FabLab in the Global South. Funder: The Open University.
2019-2020 Persephone has Crossed the border: An Art-based Project on Myth, Migration, Ecology, Femininity and the Sense of Belonging. Funder: The University of the Highlands and Islands and Creative Scotland.
2012-2013 Edges: An Art-based Project on Borders, Boundaries and Invisible Geographies. Funder: Creative Scotland
2005-2008 Haunted Tropicality: Gothic Motifs and Melancholic Imagery toward an Aesthetics of Darkness. The University of the West of Scotland.
2008-2012 Creative Practice and New Aesthetics in South Asia Funder: EVK2 Committee, CNR (the Italian National Research Council), the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs.
2011 Campoli, A. (2011) Mae Nak: Donne Vampiro e Spiriti Irati dal Lontano Oriente. Roma: Exorma.
2008 Campoli, A. (2008) Ritual Art of the Kingdom of Mithila: Traditional Paintings by Janakpur Women in Nepal. Kathmandu: Vajra Publications – EvK2 Publications.
2006 Campoli, A. (2006) La Montagna Divina: Iconografia e Mito. Kathmandu: Vajra Publications – EvK2 Publications.
Articles/Chapters in Books/Conference Proceedings
Campoli, A., Luck, R., Shrestha, P., Pradhan, P., & Rana, P. (2024). ‘It is not rocket science but it can change our lives’: pluriversal design with FabLab Nepal at a spinal injury clinic. CoDesign, 1–16.
2020 Campoli, A. (2020) “Art, Myth and Memory: An Investigation into the Relationship Between Ancient Myths, Collective and Cultural Memory and the Visual Arts”. The International Visual Culture Review, 2 (2020). DOI:
2019 Campoli, A. (2019) “Myth, Collective Memory and Art Practice” Conference Proceedings: IV International Conference on Memory Studies. Istanbul, Dakam.
2015 Campoli, A. (2015) “A Ghostly Feminine Melancholy: Representing Decay And Experiencing Loss In Thai Horror Films”. Plaridel, 12 (2015). DOI:
‘2013. Edges: Written and Visual Reflections on Marginal Space and its Exploration’, Interartive (55).
2007 Campoli, A. (2007) “Chintamani: il gioiello degli dei” (Chintamani: the Jewel of Gods), in S. Macioce (edited by), Ori nell’arte. Roma: Logart Press.
2004 Campoli, A. (2004) “Le Stregonerie di Salvator Rosa” (Salvator Rosa’s Witchcraft Scenes), in S. Macioce (edited by), L’incantesimo di Circe. Roma: Logart Press.
Conference Papers
2022. ‘Art-Based Research Methodologies: Activism, Creativity and Global Challenges’ presented to the workshop: Arts-based Methodologies for Global Challenges in Teaching and Research: Responding to the Climate Emergency/
2022 "Coming Full Circle": Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Creative Practice. Eco-Creativity 2022: The Arts Mapping Emotional Landscapes of the Climate and Ecological. The Open University (UK).
2022 What Would Nature Do? Permaculture Principles for a Sustainable Pedagogy. Advanced HE Sustainability Symposium 2022 - Front, Centre and Now: Sustainability as a Core Purpose of Higher Education.
2020 Persephone has Crossed the Border: Myth and Contemporary Art Practice. GKA 2020 - VI International Congress on Visual Studies. University of Paris Diderot (Paris).
2019 Myth, Collective Memory and Art Practice. IV Interdisciplinary Conference on Memory Studies. DAKAM (Istanbul).
2019 From Modern Ruins to Human Decay: Creative Practices and Students as Researchers. Ruination and Decay. UHI (Inverness, UK).
2019 Ritual Art of the Kingdom of Mithila. Rituality, Art Practice and Sustainable Development: A Case Study from Southern Nepal. 17th Rural Entrepreneurship Conference. UHI-Impact Hub (Inverness, UK).
2014 Toward the Margins: Dark Memories of a Futuristic Megalopolis. Between Places and Spaces: Landscapes of Liminality. Trinity College (Dublin)
2012 Haunted Femininity: Gothic Imagery in Contemporary Thailand, between Myth, Visual Culture and Creative Practice (Immaginario gotico nella Tailandia contemporanea, tra mito, cinema e pratica artistica). Cinema e diversità culturale. University of Rome III (Italy)
2011 The Dark Side of the Land of Smile: Gothic Myths and Haunted Geography in Thailand. “Gothic Limit/Gothic Ltd”: Tenth Biennial Conference of the International Gothic Association. University of Heidelberg (Germany).
2011 The Global Gothic: an Intermedial and Transcultural Phenomenon. Symposium on Transmediality. Linnaeus University, Vaxjo (Sweden).
2010 Tropical Melancholy: the Ephemeral in Thai Contemporary Visual Imagination. ACSA Asian Cultural Studies Association: The Visual Imagination: Across Boundaries. Assumption University, Bangkok (Thailand).
2010 When Death Crosses the Borders: Female Ghosts in South East Asian Contemporary Imagery. Transgression and its Limits. University of Stirling, Stirling (UK).
2009 The Ephemeral Body: Aesthetics of the Body in the New Media Arts of Continental Southeast Asia. ISEA International Symposium for Electronic Arts, Belfast (Ireland).
Exhibitions and Performances
Solo Exhibitions
2023 Persephone has Crossed the Border, Kyampa The Social Hub, Katmandu.
2019 Until the End of an Everlasting Day (and Beyond), Impact Hub, Inverness.
2018 Uisge-Aqua (If you Look at me in the Eyes I will Melt into a Puddle), Upstairs Gallery, Inverness.
2012 Until the End of an Everlasting Day. PhD exhibition. Centre for Contemporary Art (CCA). Glasgow, UK.
2011 Edges. The Arches. Glasgow, UK.
2011 Haunted. Fahrenheit 451. Rome, Italy.
2010 Melencholia Seveneleven. White Space Gallery. Bangkok, Thailand.
2010 Tropical Lomo. The Arches. Glasgow, UK.
2009 Raining Buddhas. Area Privata Gallery. Perugia, Italy.
2008 Winter Monsoon. Fahrenheit 451. Rome, Italy.
2007 Shadows in the Forest. Trasimeno Lake, Italy.
2006 Butonudo. Teatro Abarico. Rome, Italy.
Selected Group Exhibitions
2024 Gallery of Creatives Retrospective. Kyampa The Social Hub, Katmandu.
2023 Voices. Gypsy Swing Art Gallery. Patan.
2015 This is the Way the World Ends. Unfix aCOPalypse. CCA. Glasgow.
2015 Awakening an Ecology of the Imagination. Unfix, Festival of Ecology and Performance. CCA. Glasgow.
2013 Oniric Visions. Sharmanka Theatre. Glasgow.
2012 The Last Mile. The Bonnafont Gallery. San Francisco (USA).
2011 Beuys e lo Sciamano. Contemporary Art Museum, Palazzo Della Penna. Perugia, Italy.
2011 Dell’Albero. Castello Brancaccio. San Gregorio di Sassola (Rome), Italy.
2010 Stenopeica. Reun Prakumsakee House. Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
2010 A Shadow in the Wardrobe: Memories. Faculty of Painting and Sculpture, Silpakorn University, Sanam Chandra Campus. Bangkok, Thailand.
2010 Seed Mutation. Sanam Chandra Art Gallery. Nakhon Pathom, Thailand.
2008 Play for gods. “Grande Casa d’Arte”, S. Giuseppe Factory. Spello, Italy.
2005 Disturbare le Valanghe. Teatro Furio Camillo. Rome, Italy.
2005 Disturbare le Valanghe. Teatro Furio Camillo. Rome, Italy.
2005 Matrimoni. Abraxa Festival. Rome, Italy.
2003 Fili. Spazio Pietralata. Rome, Italy.
2003 Oros. Chiesa S. Pietro, Tuscania, Italy.
Grants Awarded
2020 University of the Highlands and Islands: Mini Sabbatical Scheme.
2019 Inverness College UHI: Research and Scholarship Scheme.
2012 Creative Scotland: Professional Development award.
2012 The Artship Foundation, San Francisco (USA): artist in residence.
2010 Silpakorn University, Bangkok, Thailand: artist in residence.
2010 Art Trust Scotland: award for practice-based PhD portfolio.
2008 University of the West of Scotland: Internal practice-based PhD studentship.
2008 Italian National Council of Research (CNR): grant for the publication of the monograph: Ritual Art of the Kingdom of Mithila: Traditional Paintings by Janakpur Women in Nepal
2007 Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs: travel grant for research in South Asia (Nepal, India).